
Nixon ja aatomipomm.

Väljavõte Jane Fonda autobiograafiast, mida vahendab Guardian:
The Nixon administration and its US ambassador to the UN, George HW Bush, would vehemently deny what was happening, but the following are excerpts from transcripts of conversations between President Nixon and top administration officials:

April 25, 1972

President Nixon: "We've got to be thinking in terms of an all-out bombing attack [of North Vietnam] ... Now, by all-out bombing attack, I am thinking about things that go far beyond ... I'm thinking of the dykes, I'm thinking of the railroad, I'm thinking, of course, the docks ..."

Kissinger: "... I agree with you."

Nixon: "... And I still think we ought to take the dykes out now. Will that drown people?"

Kissinger: "About 200,000 people."

Nixon: "No, no, no ... I'd rather use the nuclear bomb. Have you got that, Henry?"

Kissinger: "That, I think, would just be too much."

Nixon: "The nuclear bomb, does that bother you? ... I just want to think big, Henry, for chrissakes."

Jane Fonda käis aastal 1972 Põhja-Vietnamis.

Kunagi tahaksin lugeda George Bush noorema arvamusi aatomipommi võimalikust kasutamisest Iraagis, Afganistaanis, kus iganes. Ameeriklastelt võib kõike oodata.